03 April 2023,

TFA-Tax For All


TFA-Tax For All is the Integrated Tax Administration System of the Taxation Department, which will replace existing computer systems. Tax For All will electronically serve the taxpayer and/or their authorized representative through TFA online.

The Project will be completed in three stages.
Each stage concerns different types of taxes and functions.

The Tax Department has announced on January 17, 2023, the commencement of the gradual implementation of the new Single Tax Administration Portal – Tax For All -TFA, which will progressively replace (amongst others) the TAXISnet platform.

An important element for the transition to the TFA Taxpayer Portal is the electronic address (e-mail) which is used for the update and communication with Users.

Therefore, taxpayers should proceed immediately with updating their electronic address (e-mail), via the TAXISnet website, the validity of which is a necessary element for the transfer of their account from the Taxisnet system to the new TFA system.

Changing the e-mail address can be done by following the instructions posted on the Tax Department’s website at www.mof.gov.cy/tax under:

e-Services → TAXISnet → Information Material → Income Tax-Defense  e-Services

e-Services → TAXISnet → Information Material → Value Added Tax Procedure for changing the electronic address in the TAXISnet system  e-Services

For more information and/or advice, feel free to contact us via email at [email protected]

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